Six Full Sets – A new record!

Six Full Sets – A new record!

Had a really good class tonight. Or rather, it was really good for me. I did 6 full sets. That’s the most full sets I’ve done in a class before. Heck, it’s probably the most full sets I’ve done in a week before. It’s interesting, but since I had never done more than 2 or maybe 3 full sets in a class I didn’t realize that those are actually the toughest ones. Once you start doing the 4th set you actually start to recuperate and your body adjusts. I was able to stop feeling so much pain and burn and I began to think about the form more as I was doing it. Even pushed out a strong finish on the 4th and 5th sets. It was a rather cool experience.

I even did an all time high (for me, at least) of 160 leg lifts. One set of 100, one set of 60. Most people at SCWA do 190 so I’m getting closer. I’d like to be able to do three non-stop sets of 100 someday. Maybe in a month or two.

I put up a bunch of other pictures. This format is much easier so adding photographs isn’t the same pain it used to be. I’ll be able to add a bunch more pictures in the future. Of course, you won’t actually know what they are since there are no captions (those take a bit longer), but hey … you can’t win them all (Jeff).

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