Helsingin Wushu


About the School

Founded: 1991

We are the oldest wushu and taiji club in Finland, established in 1991. Our club has approximately 300 active members.We currently teach 3 different sports in our classes.

Along with our own training, we are actively involved in the national level wushu activities. We co-operate with other Finnish wushu clubs by organising events, courses and camps together. Our teacher and head coach shifu Zhang Fang also visits the other clubs across the country regularly to give in-depth guidance for the members and taiji and wushu kungfu teachers.

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Zhang Fang

Seuramme mestari ja päävalmentaja shifu Zhang Fang on erinomainen opettaja, joka huomioi oppilaansa yksilöinä. Hän on opettanut urheilua, erityisesti wushu-lajeja, vuodesta 1980. Suomessa shifu on opettanut vuodesta 1990 alkaen ja hän on maamme ainoa wushu-lajien ammattilaisopettaja. Shifu valmentaa sujuvasti sekä suomeksi että englanniksi.

Seuramme valmennuksen ohella shifu toimii Suomen Wushu-liiton päävalmentajana ja opettajakouluttajana. Hän opettaa wushu-lajeja Helsingin lisäksi säännöllisesti ympäri Suomea ja toimii vierailevana opettajana useissa Euroopan maissa.

Google Translation:

The master and head coach of our club, Shifu Zhang Fang, is an excellent teacher who considers his students as individuals. He has been teaching sports, especially wushu, since 1980. In Finland, Shifu has been teaching since 1990 and he is the only professional wushu teacher in our country. Shifu coaches fluently in both Finnish and English.

In addition to coaching our club, Shifu works as the head coach and teacher trainer of the Finnish Wushu Association. In addition to Helsinki, he teaches wushu regularly all over Finland and works as a visiting teacher in several European countries.

Styles Taught

Bagua Zhang | Modern Wushu | Qi Gong | Taiji Quan | Traditional Wushu | Xing Yi Quan


Tallberginkatu 1/29 00180 Helsinki