Beijing – Day 9: More of the Same …

Beijing – Day 9: More of the Same …

It was another early morning for us today.  The first training session was at 8:00 AM in the lower wushu hall.  Today also marked 1/3 of our trip completed.  Just 18 more days until most of us head back to the U.S.  I’m sure it will go by quickly (and yet, ironically, the training seems to last forever).

Everyone was a little out of it this morning, or that might just be my perception since I was having a bit of calf cramping.  I took the opportunity to start choreographing a new nangun set while the rest of the kids worked through their various weapon forms.  After class we stayed to watch some of the professionals train again.  Here is a video of the hall:

After lunch most of the kids stayed at the hotel.  I ran to Ya Xiu for an hour to pick up some things with James and Myles and got back just in time to head up to the wushu hall at 3:30 for the afternoon training.  I also grabbed my nangun and worked some more on my choreography before going back to my room to put up the Day 7-8 blog.  The class seemed like a good one since we had use of one of the nice blue carpets and were training right next to the Men’s A-Team.  Nothing quite like doing spear at the same time Wu Di is doing it on the carpet next to you.  Or Long Fist while Liu Yan is doing his thing as well.  Both intimidating and inspiring.

Wu Di asked me to take a quick video of a jump so he could see what he needed to work on.  Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

After I finished uploading the blog from Day 7-8 I went down to grab something to eat.  Then, back in my room, while I was answering work e-mails, I was asked by Lauren and Ashley to take them to the Hypermarket so the three of us, along with Loren and Ryan, headed out around Hou Hai to do some shopping.

While they shopped for stuff, I went next door to the appliance and electronics store and bought a cheap version of my Magic Bullet blender.  Since I can’t use the MB due to wattage/voltage issues, I thought I would get this and then bring it to Xi’an with me to leave there for when I eventually return to China in the fall.  Now I can make smoothies again!

After we walked back I spent the evening relaxing in my room and writing in this blog.

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